Friday, February 24, 2012

[Help] EXECUTE permission denied on object

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'

EXECUTE permission denied on object 'wwfSpTimeAndDateSettings', database 'iobmi6_ETSasp', owner 'dbo'.

/forum/functions/functions_date_time_format.asp, line 82

What does the EXECUTE permission denied on object... line mean?It means that the object owner decided NOT to run the following statement:

grant execute on dbo.wwfSpTimeAndDateSettings to <you>|||Ok i spent time trying to figure out how to fix it bymyself... but i have no idea. I'm trying to install Iportal... so i remade sure i installed all the files completly. Looked up my database info to see that correct. Is it somthing with my database not having dbo autority? (cause then i'll need to ask my hosting for it)|||What is the User ID specified in the connection string? Issue the statement from the previous post and replace <you> with that value.|||Dude! did you read rdjabarob post? if yes, read it again .. if you still don't get it, then I suggest you do some BOL reading about "permissions-SQL Server: Managing permissions"

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