Friday, February 24, 2012

[Help]I encounter an error when using RDA

Hi All,

When my customers sync the data using RDA, they got this error message,

I don't know how to avoid it. ( I am using window mobile 5, Palm Treo 700wx, C# 2005, Sql server 2005(remote server) and Sql CE 3.0):

The OLE DB data type information in the SQL Mobile columns does not matchthe information in the SQL server columns for the RDA table (Client type=3,server type =20, Table naame =MyTable)

it's very urgent, could anyone help me out? Thanks.


When I search on MSDN book online, it is Server Agent Errors (value 29017), don't know the client type =3 and server type = 20 mean...

Anyone knows...


Those are data type values from OLE DB:
DBTYPE_I4 = 3 (Int32)
DBTYPE_I8 = 20 (Int64)

This means you are mapping an Int32 to an Int64.

|||Thank you very much. That is what I am thinking.

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